jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

Man on a ledge

Hi guys as they are?. well today I bring one of the last films to come out. reminds me of the movie Inside Man but definitely think it will be much better.
an interesting argument. and a great trailer.
a very good movie to see some weekend.
I hope you enjoy and have a good day.


The film tells the story of a former police officer who enters jail after being accused of committing a crime in which claims to have participated. Man escapes from prison and gets to the top of a Manhattan hotel, place from which threatens to jump. However, their behavior may be a ploy to mislead the authorities while thieves carried out a major robbery.


21 comentarios:

  1. Seems great despite it's title which I find a bit silly though I guess it does describe the premise really well. I love thriller films like this.

  2. This sounds awesome! It could go either way! I'm definitly gonna check this out! Thanks for posting this!

  3. Damon, you're everything I need.

  4. I saw bits and pieces of this before, I'll have to watch the whole thing later.

    I kinda got lost with your intro, "Hi guys as they are?", haha.

  5. Its an interesting concept but I'm curious as to how it'll actually play out.

  6. Sounds like an interesting twist on a new theme.

    Tossing It Out

  7. Woah, I sometimes get vertigo... this movie would probably have my palms of my hands sweating the whole time.

  8. Neat, I hadn't heard of it before this.

  9. I remember hearing about this movie but don't remember it in theaters..

  10. A bit strange... but it might be interesting!

  11. Is is like Man on fire? Is it the same Man?

  12. It looks really good, look forward it!

  13. this movie looks like it is full of suspense!

  14. looks pretty good, I'll probably see it on Netflix eventually :)

  15. This I wanna see it ! Moreover I like movies when they take place in New York, I have to admit I love the City too much, hehe =)
    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog ! Hugs

    Fashion and Cookies
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  16. very good movie. a very interesting plot.
    I hope to see it soon.

  17. At first I thought this will be a 2 hour movie about a guy who is being persuaded to not jump.
